Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Reality sets back in

Ha so before I write what I originally intended, short story time.  I wrote that title then thought to myself, "Self.  Where do you know that quote from?  It fits your situation perfectly, but you don't remember what it is, do you?  You can hear the tune and the tone... but you just don't have the context."  

But Google had the context.  It's from Wicked.  Song name?  "I'm not that girl."  Nice.

* * *
I'm sitting here at my desk in my flat.  It's 9:44 on Tuesday evening.  Pouring rain outside.  In fact, it's been raining for like four days straight, and it's growing quite uncomfortable.  I don't really have proper rain attire.  Maybe Chac Mool is trying to reach me somehow...

But I digress.

It's 9:46 and I'm not on a road trip anymore.  I have two things due tomorrow.  One is a paper, which I've finished and am pleased with.  I know papers.  I can do papers.  And it's about film-- I can do film.  While it took me some time, I put out a good product with relative ease and with some proofreads from a couple friends I think it will be a success.

What I don't know is the other thing, the not paper.  For lack of a better term, it's a Melted Record Gramophone.  

I have to present it tomorrow and I can't figure out a decent way to mount the phone to the box... I make stories and characters and pictures, not gramophones out of melted parts.  This is a whole new world to me.  An unfortunate world worth 40% of my grade.  I'm actually not really worried about the grade even--it's an elective class and I'm sure we'll all get decent grades for putting out a project.  

So what am I worried about then?  Not entirely sure.  Probably just that fact that I'm completely out of my element.  I've never done anything like this before, and tomorrow I have to present it to people who have been doing these projects for three years, people who are making rolling speaker balls, talking puzzle boxes, and a moving George Forman that yells and glows at you.  It's a bit intimidating.

But, on a larger scale, it's just one project in one class of one small semester of my entire college career.  And that's just college.  So after I walk out of the design building tomorrow at 5:30, not matter what happens inside, it will all be behind me and I can come home to Scrubs and Lost and Chuck and only having to worry about normal things like making a unicycling video.  The way life should be.

But it's good to be shaken up every now and again.  If nothing else it at least makes you appreciate the things you do enjoy and are good at.  I decided to post not because I had any good story to tell or exciting event to cover, but really just so I could let it all out of my system.  So it's possible this is my most uninteresting post yet.  

Having persuaded myself that my project is still good and I don't really have to worry, I'm going to go to bed.  Get a good night's sleep, wake up early, have a cup of Earl Grey, and then take care of business before class at 1 40 (for those doing the math: yes, it is a 4 hour class...).  

Maybe in my next post I'll have a redeeming story about how on the way to class I almost got hit by a car and the guy in it was a famous producer and he apologizes by taking me to lunch and we get to talking and talking and he likes what I do and buys a couple screenplays off me then wants me to direct one but just then I get kidnapped and held hostage in France but I'm rescued by a crazy man on a zebra who takes me to his hut lair in Swaziland where we drink Earl Grey and I think hey I just had this for breakfast but don't say it out loud cuz this dude's crazy who knows what he'll do and then I escape but leave forty bucks for his trouble but still escape without regret and make it back to New Zealand after hitching a ride from a caravan of gypsies who passed by a cheap airport.  And then I'll have exciting post.  But for now you'll have to deal with Reality Toph TV.



  1. You may think that this is uninteresting, but to your grandmoother it is probably one of your most intersting. To see you come to terms with a problem. It may only be one small project in one small class, but you have given it just as much attention as all your other projects. Guess what it won't be the first thing in your life that dose not go as you would like. You have a great attatude. Great everything as an adventure. Love you and God Bless you and by the time you read this it will be all over.

  2. Thanks for getting wicked stuc in my head!
